

Few things in the world are as bad as is the virus. Some complain about bacteria. Some moan about fungus. Some even hate molds. Some disagree with disease, but there is not a single person in the world who likes a virus, the smallest, most multitudinous, meanest unit of life. Oh, wait, that's right: Nobody can even say if a virus is a living thing. Something like 5000 years of dedicated medicine and at least twice as long of skillful health practice and the worst sicknesses are still products of 'evil spirits'.

There is no placating these spirits. They as old or older than life. And who could hate them, really? They are the agents of entropy and probably maintain life in as many senses as they destroy or pervert it. I find something admirable about something (less than?) a billionth my size that can cause me more problems than, say, the United States, legalism, or even the Universe. There is obviously much unstated wisdom in being small and unobtrusive. More admirable yet is that as many times as I have killed viruses (there are many slain) they come back, different, yet with the exact same effect. I'm talking to you, common cold infection.

I wouldn't be surprised if viruses spurred evolution and were the flame that caused life to soar and run. Oh of course viruses also rotted life and do so to this day. They can cause headaches, death, hemorrhage of various organs, disappointment, castration, etc... As much as I hate them, organic viruses are pretty got-damn badass. Viruses will outlive us all. I'd have a lot more to say about this but I am sick and too tired to watch the screen. My eyes hurt, my head hurts, and my pharynx is all uncomfortable. I am in combat with the oldest enemy of all, ironically enough an enemy that may be the foundation of life. Entropy, chill down my spine, etc...

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