
July Predictions

July 2011 is going to be unremarkable compared to the months around it and the year its in. 2011 might go down in history for some reason or other, but at this point it looks as if July 2011 is going to be 'sleeper month' when the news networks could just as well be deactivated for a few weeks. Everyone would feel plenty better if this happened.

Predictions for July 2011:

- It's easy to be a news junkie, and this global habit will not be broken in July 2011.
- Consumerism will be defended and attacked by the listless people it has already exhausted.
- Someone will say something about 2012.
- A video game will be released. People will not like certain aspects of this game.
- People in a park will discover or rediscover the joys of public drinking.
- People will bitch about something. Privileged individuals will bitch most loudly.
- Pride will lead to at least one downfall. The term 'hubris' will remain purely literary.
- Annoying news events will take place, the reporting will be paid for by the subjects.
- Niche activism will convert another 33 people. Worldwide.
- Democracy will continue to be a byword. People in certain countries will protest for it.
- People in other countries will continue to abuse the term 'democracy'.
- A beautiful life will be cut short and largely ignored, because such things always happen.
- Twitter will inexplicably continue to exist. I will still be incapable of using Twitter on July 31.
- I will have extreme difficulty and trouble conceiving and finishing blog posts.
- My lovely audience will continue to visit half-heartedly.

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